Lipstick Illustration 使用 Photoshop 製作口紅
Creating Our Document/Background
Create a new document (Ctrl+N) size 800 x 1000 px, double-click on the background to unlock it and make it editable. Now apply a gradient overlay using the settings below.
![Lipstick Illustration image 1](
Creating The Lower Part
Select the Ellipse Tool (U), select from Options bar the Shape Layers drawing mode and draw an ellipse. Rename the ellipse's layer to "Ellipse 1?. Duplicate the ellipse and selecting Free Transform (Ctrl+T), decrease the duplicated ellipse's size by a few pixels. Rename the duplicated layer "Ellipse 2?.
Now hold down the Shift key and press the up arrow on the keyboard 22 times, doing this will move the ellipse 220 px upwards.
![Lipstick Illustration image 2](
Now select the Pen Tool (P) and connect the two ellipses together.
![Lipstick Illustration image 3](
We now have the shape of the lower part of the lipstick, we now need to merge "Shape 1? and "Ellipse 1? into one layer and rename it to "Down part". Move the "Down part" layer under the "Ellipse 2? layer then add the following layer styles.
![Lipstick Illustration image 4](
I've decided that the lipstick's cover should have a simple pattern, so i've added a pattern named "Granite" from the "Artist Surfaces" package.
![Lipstick Illustration image 5](
Select the "Ellipse 2? layer then add the following layer styles.
![Lipstick Illustration image 6](
![Lipstick Illustration image 7](
You should now have something like this.
![Lipstick Illustration image 8](
Now hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Ellipse 2? layer to load a selection, then go to "Select > Modify > Contract", contract the selection by 5 pixels.
![Lipstick Illustration image 9](
Creating The MIddle Part
Create a new layer, rename it to "Middle Part" and fill the selection with random colour.
![Lipstick Illustration image 10](
Duplicate the "Middle part" layer then whilst holding down the shift key press the up arrow key 3 times to move the layer 30px upwards. Then using the Pen Tool (P) connect the two ellipses together.
![Lipstick Illustration image 11](
Merge the "Middle Part" layer and the connecting part (Shape 1) into a single layer, after that rename the new layer again to "Middle Part". Now the "Middle Part" layer under the "Middle Part Copy" layer. Then add the following layer styles to your "Middle part" layer.
![Lipstick Illustration image 12](
Select the "Middle Part Copy" layer and add the following layer styles.
![Lipstick Illustration image 13](
![Lipstick Illustration image 14](
You should have something like this.
![Lipstick Illustration image 15](
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Middle part copy" layer, to load a selection. Contract the selection by 4 px by going to "Select > Modify > Contract". Create a new layer, rename it to "Upper Part" and fill the selection with random colour.
![Lipstick Illustration image 16](
Creating The Upper Part
Duplicate the "Upper Part" layer and move the copy 150 px upwards (hold down Shift and press the up arrow key 15 times). Using the Pen Tool (P) create a connecting layer.
![Lipstick Illustration image 17](
Merge the "Upper Part" layer and the connecting part (Shape 1) into a single layer. Rename the new layer again to "Upper Part" and move it under the "Upper Part Copy" layer. Select the "Upper Part" layer and apply the following layer styles.
![Lipstick Illustration image 18](
Now select the "Upper Part Copy" layer and apply a gradient overlay using the settings below.
![Lipstick Illustration image 19](
You should have something like this.
![Lipstick Illustration image 20](
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Upper Part Copy" to load a selection. Create a new layer, pick any of the selection tools such as Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) then right-click on the selection, from the drop-down menu select Stroke: 3px.
![Lipstick Illustration image 21](
Now add a "Bevel and Emboss" using the settings below.
![Lipstick Illustration image 22](
Creating The Lipstick
Now it's time to draw the lipstick itself. To do this, select the Pen Tool (P) and create a shape like the one in the picture below.
![Lipstick Illustration image 23](
Rename this layer to "Lipstick". After that, again using the Pen Tool (P) create the top of the lipstick.
![Lipstick Illustration image 24](
Rename the second layer to "Top" then select the "Lipstick" layer and apply a gradient overlay using the settings below.
![Lipstick Illustration image 25](
![Lipstick Illustration image 26](
Select the "Top" layer then fill using the colour #d62626.
![Lipstick Illustration image 27](
This step is optional. Here I've decided that my lipstick would be more effectively if I make it with a glittering shade. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Lipstick" layer to select it. As you are still holding down the Ctrl key, hold down and Shift, then click on the "Top" layer. This way we'll select the two layers together.
Create a new layer and rename it to "Bright shade". Fill the selection with white colour and set the Blending mode to Dissolve, Opacity around to 15-30%. Now we need to rasterize the Dissolve mode. To do this, create a new empty layer, select it together with the "Bright shade" layer and press Ctrl+E. In the end set the Blending mode to Soft Light and if you wish, you can reduce the Opacity.
![Lipstick Illustration image 28](
The lipstick is completed.
Creating The Shines And Glimmers
Now we need to add glimmers to make it look even more realistic. To do this, select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and create a selection like this.
![Lipstick Illustration image 29](
Create a new layer and fill the selection with the colour white (#ffffff). After that add a layer mask and erase the bottom part of the reflection using the Linear Gradient Tool. Reduce the Opacity to around 56%.
![Lipstick Illustration image 30](
Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) create another selection on the left side of the lipstick. Create a new layer and fill the selection with white colour. Blur the layer a bit by going to "Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur" (Radius 2px) and reduce the Opacity to around 30%. Finally add a layer mask to this layer and using the Linear Gradient tool erase the bottom part of the glimmer.
![Lipstick Illustration image 31](
Duplicate the last created layer and go to "Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal", then move the copy at the right side of lipstick.
![Lipstick Illustration image 32](
Using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape like the one in the picture below. Blur the shape using "Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur" (Radius: 2-3px). Reduce the Opacity to around 56%.
![Lipstick Illustration image 33](
Add another glimmer in the middle of lipstick using the same technique. Blur it just a little bit using the Gaussian Blur filter (Radius 0,6).
![Lipstick Illustration image 34](
Using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape with white colour like the one in the following picture, then reduce the Opacity to around 62%.
![Lipstick Illustration image 35](
Create a new layer then select the brush tool with a soft brush size of about 33px. Hold down the Shift key and draw a white line over the lipstick. Reduce the Opacity to around 63% then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Top" layer to select it. Make sure the white line's layer is active and press the delete key to delete the unnecessary part.
![Lipstick Illustration image 36](
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Top" layer to select it. Create a new layer and fill the selection with Linear Gradient from white to transparent.
![Lipstick Illustration image 37](
Load another selection on the "Top" layer. Create a new layer, take any of the selection tools, such as Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and right-click on the selection. From the drop-down menu, select Stroke: 2px, white colour. Then add a layer mask to this layer and using a soft brush with a black colour cover up the top part of the new created white ring.
![Lipstick Illustration image 38](
You have now completed the lipstick tutorial you can stop here if you want to, but I've decided to draw its cap too. In the following steps I will show you how to do it.
![Lipstick Illustration image 39](
Creating The Lipsticks Cap
Pick the Ellipse Tool (U) and create an ellipse with approximate dimensions as the top part of the lipstick. Rename this layer to "Ellipse 1?. Duplicate it and increase the size of the copy using Free Transform (Ctrl+T). Then move it as showed in the following picture.
![Lipstick Illustration image 40](
Rename the duplicated ellipse to "Ellipse 2?. Now pick the Pen Tool (P) and create the cap's body. Rename this layer to "Body".
![Lipstick Illustration image 41](
Merge the "Body" and the "Ellipse 2? into one layer (Ctrl+E). On the newly created layer add the following settings from the layer styles menu.
![Lipstick Illustration image 42](
![Lipstick Illustration image 43](
Move the "Ellipse 1? above the "Body" layer and add the following Layer Style.
![Lipstick Illustration image 44](
![Lipstick Illustration image 45](
You should have something like this.
![Lipstick Illustration image 46](
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Body" layer to select it. Create a new layer and pick any of the selection tools, such as Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and right-click on the selection. From the drop-down menu, select Stroke (1px, center, colour: #a4a8af).
![Lipstick Illustration image 47](
Add a mask to this layer and using a black colour soft brush, cover up everything except the right end of the cap.
![Lipstick Illustration image 48](
Now hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Ellipse 1? layer to select it. Add a Stroke with white colour, Width: 2px, Location: Inside.
![Lipstick Illustration image 49](
![Lipstick Illustration image 50](
Using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape like the one in the picture below. Then reduce the Opacity to around 50-60%. Add a mask to this layer and using soft brush carefully cover up the upper part of the shape.
![Lipstick Illustration image 51](
Again using the Pen Tool (P) create a white line like the one in the picture below. Then make it blurred using the Gaussian Blur filter (Radius: 6,6px)
![Lipstick Illustration image 52](
Reduce the Opacity to around 65% then using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape like the one in the picture below. Blur it with Gaussian's Blur filter (Radius: 0,9px) and set Opacity to 48%.
![Lipstick Illustration image 53](
Repeat the same method to add another glimmer on the other end of the cap.
![Lipstick Illustration image 54](
Again using the Pen Tool (P) create the last glimmer. Add a mask to this layer and fill it with white to black Linear Gradient. Reduce the Opacity to around 70%.
![Lipstick Illustration image 55](
What remains to do is to create a reflection for our top. Combine in a group all the lipstick's layers. You can do this by holding down CTRL and click on all necessary layers to select them. Then click Ctrl+G. Duplicate the new group (right click > Duplicate Group), then Merge Down the duplicated group (Ctrl+E). Flip vertically the new layer by going to "Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical" and place it as showed in the picture below.
![Lipstick Illustration image 56](
Open the original group and find the layer named "Down part", then hold down the Ctrl key and click on it to select it. Make sure that the layer with the flipped lipstick (the reflection) is active and press delete. Move it 1px downwards by pressing the down arrow key.
![Lipstick Illustration image 57](
Add a layer mask and fill it with Linear Gradient, after that set the Opacity to 40-50%.
![Lipstick Illustration image 58](
Now combine all the layers of the cap into one group (Ctrl+G). Duplicate the new created group (right click > Duplicate Group), then merge the duplicated group (Ctrl+E). Using Free Transform (Ctrl+T) flip vertically the merged layer and position it as showed in the picture below.
![Lipstick Illustration image 59](
Add a layer mask on the reflection's layer and fill it with Linear Gradient, then set Opacity to 60%.
![Lipstick Illustration image 60](
Finally you can add a small star on the lipstick and with this done we are finished.
![Lipstick Illustration Tutorial: Final Result](
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Creating Our Document/Background
Create a new document (Ctrl+N) size 800 x 1000 px, double-click on the background to unlock it and make it editable. Now apply a gradient overlay using the settings below.
Creating The Lower Part
Select the Ellipse Tool (U), select from Options bar the Shape Layers drawing mode and draw an ellipse. Rename the ellipse's layer to "Ellipse 1?. Duplicate the ellipse and selecting Free Transform (Ctrl+T), decrease the duplicated ellipse's size by a few pixels. Rename the duplicated layer "Ellipse 2?.
Now hold down the Shift key and press the up arrow on the keyboard 22 times, doing this will move the ellipse 220 px upwards.
Now select the Pen Tool (P) and connect the two ellipses together.
We now have the shape of the lower part of the lipstick, we now need to merge "Shape 1? and "Ellipse 1? into one layer and rename it to "Down part". Move the "Down part" layer under the "Ellipse 2? layer then add the following layer styles.
I've decided that the lipstick's cover should have a simple pattern, so i've added a pattern named "Granite" from the "Artist Surfaces" package.
Select the "Ellipse 2? layer then add the following layer styles.
You should now have something like this.
Now hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Ellipse 2? layer to load a selection, then go to "Select > Modify > Contract", contract the selection by 5 pixels.
Creating The MIddle Part
Create a new layer, rename it to "Middle Part" and fill the selection with random colour.
Duplicate the "Middle part" layer then whilst holding down the shift key press the up arrow key 3 times to move the layer 30px upwards. Then using the Pen Tool (P) connect the two ellipses together.
Merge the "Middle Part" layer and the connecting part (Shape 1) into a single layer, after that rename the new layer again to "Middle Part". Now the "Middle Part" layer under the "Middle Part Copy" layer. Then add the following layer styles to your "Middle part" layer.
Select the "Middle Part Copy" layer and add the following layer styles.
You should have something like this.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Middle part copy" layer, to load a selection. Contract the selection by 4 px by going to "Select > Modify > Contract". Create a new layer, rename it to "Upper Part" and fill the selection with random colour.
Creating The Upper Part
Duplicate the "Upper Part" layer and move the copy 150 px upwards (hold down Shift and press the up arrow key 15 times). Using the Pen Tool (P) create a connecting layer.
Merge the "Upper Part" layer and the connecting part (Shape 1) into a single layer. Rename the new layer again to "Upper Part" and move it under the "Upper Part Copy" layer. Select the "Upper Part" layer and apply the following layer styles.
Now select the "Upper Part Copy" layer and apply a gradient overlay using the settings below.
You should have something like this.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Upper Part Copy" to load a selection. Create a new layer, pick any of the selection tools such as Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) then right-click on the selection, from the drop-down menu select Stroke: 3px.
Now add a "Bevel and Emboss" using the settings below.
Creating The Lipstick
Now it's time to draw the lipstick itself. To do this, select the Pen Tool (P) and create a shape like the one in the picture below.
Rename this layer to "Lipstick". After that, again using the Pen Tool (P) create the top of the lipstick.
Rename the second layer to "Top" then select the "Lipstick" layer and apply a gradient overlay using the settings below.
Select the "Top" layer then fill using the colour #d62626.
This step is optional. Here I've decided that my lipstick would be more effectively if I make it with a glittering shade. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Lipstick" layer to select it. As you are still holding down the Ctrl key, hold down and Shift, then click on the "Top" layer. This way we'll select the two layers together.
Create a new layer and rename it to "Bright shade". Fill the selection with white colour and set the Blending mode to Dissolve, Opacity around to 15-30%. Now we need to rasterize the Dissolve mode. To do this, create a new empty layer, select it together with the "Bright shade" layer and press Ctrl+E. In the end set the Blending mode to Soft Light and if you wish, you can reduce the Opacity.
The lipstick is completed.
Creating The Shines And Glimmers
Now we need to add glimmers to make it look even more realistic. To do this, select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) and create a selection like this.
Create a new layer and fill the selection with the colour white (#ffffff). After that add a layer mask and erase the bottom part of the reflection using the Linear Gradient Tool. Reduce the Opacity to around 56%.
Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) create another selection on the left side of the lipstick. Create a new layer and fill the selection with white colour. Blur the layer a bit by going to "Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur" (Radius 2px) and reduce the Opacity to around 30%. Finally add a layer mask to this layer and using the Linear Gradient tool erase the bottom part of the glimmer.
Duplicate the last created layer and go to "Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal", then move the copy at the right side of lipstick.
Using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape like the one in the picture below. Blur the shape using "Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur" (Radius: 2-3px). Reduce the Opacity to around 56%.
Add another glimmer in the middle of lipstick using the same technique. Blur it just a little bit using the Gaussian Blur filter (Radius 0,6).
Using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape with white colour like the one in the following picture, then reduce the Opacity to around 62%.
Create a new layer then select the brush tool with a soft brush size of about 33px. Hold down the Shift key and draw a white line over the lipstick. Reduce the Opacity to around 63% then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Top" layer to select it. Make sure the white line's layer is active and press the delete key to delete the unnecessary part.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Top" layer to select it. Create a new layer and fill the selection with Linear Gradient from white to transparent.
Load another selection on the "Top" layer. Create a new layer, take any of the selection tools, such as Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and right-click on the selection. From the drop-down menu, select Stroke: 2px, white colour. Then add a layer mask to this layer and using a soft brush with a black colour cover up the top part of the new created white ring.
You have now completed the lipstick tutorial you can stop here if you want to, but I've decided to draw its cap too. In the following steps I will show you how to do it.
Creating The Lipsticks Cap
Pick the Ellipse Tool (U) and create an ellipse with approximate dimensions as the top part of the lipstick. Rename this layer to "Ellipse 1?. Duplicate it and increase the size of the copy using Free Transform (Ctrl+T). Then move it as showed in the following picture.
Rename the duplicated ellipse to "Ellipse 2?. Now pick the Pen Tool (P) and create the cap's body. Rename this layer to "Body".
Merge the "Body" and the "Ellipse 2? into one layer (Ctrl+E). On the newly created layer add the following settings from the layer styles menu.
Move the "Ellipse 1? above the "Body" layer and add the following Layer Style.
You should have something like this.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Body" layer to select it. Create a new layer and pick any of the selection tools, such as Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and right-click on the selection. From the drop-down menu, select Stroke (1px, center, colour: #a4a8af).
Add a mask to this layer and using a black colour soft brush, cover up everything except the right end of the cap.
Now hold down the Ctrl key and click on the "Ellipse 1? layer to select it. Add a Stroke with white colour, Width: 2px, Location: Inside.
Using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape like the one in the picture below. Then reduce the Opacity to around 50-60%. Add a mask to this layer and using soft brush carefully cover up the upper part of the shape.
Again using the Pen Tool (P) create a white line like the one in the picture below. Then make it blurred using the Gaussian Blur filter (Radius: 6,6px)
Reduce the Opacity to around 65% then using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape like the one in the picture below. Blur it with Gaussian's Blur filter (Radius: 0,9px) and set Opacity to 48%.
Repeat the same method to add another glimmer on the other end of the cap.
Again using the Pen Tool (P) create the last glimmer. Add a mask to this layer and fill it with white to black Linear Gradient. Reduce the Opacity to around 70%.
What remains to do is to create a reflection for our top. Combine in a group all the lipstick's layers. You can do this by holding down CTRL and click on all necessary layers to select them. Then click Ctrl+G. Duplicate the new group (right click > Duplicate Group), then Merge Down the duplicated group (Ctrl+E). Flip vertically the new layer by going to "Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical" and place it as showed in the picture below.
Open the original group and find the layer named "Down part", then hold down the Ctrl key and click on it to select it. Make sure that the layer with the flipped lipstick (the reflection) is active and press delete. Move it 1px downwards by pressing the down arrow key.
Add a layer mask and fill it with Linear Gradient, after that set the Opacity to 40-50%.
Now combine all the layers of the cap into one group (Ctrl+G). Duplicate the new created group (right click > Duplicate Group), then merge the duplicated group (Ctrl+E). Using Free Transform (Ctrl+T) flip vertically the merged layer and position it as showed in the picture below.
Add a layer mask on the reflection's layer and fill it with Linear Gradient, then set Opacity to 60%.
Finally you can add a small star on the lipstick and with this done we are finished.
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