
目前顯示的是 6月, 2012的文章

Download Free Adobe CS6 eBooks — 1,022 Pages of New Tutorials(Adobe官方免費電子書)

由下方連結進入Adobe網站下載時,需先輸入 Adobe 會員帳號、密碼,若沒有可以免費註冊喔! Creative Suite 6 was released  earlier this month with much that’s new  across the product line, and some other important changes like upgrades now being available (only)  from Adobe direct . Last week we posted on nearly 18 hours of  free video tutorials for CS6 … But printed materials are also nice, to use side-by-side at your own pace. How about some free new e-books to go along with those, which you can instantly download and learn from whenever you want? There are 169 chapters in total with over 1,000 pages for most CS6 products. Some tools receive more coverage than others, but the basics are reviewed for all. You can download in the ebooks in  PDF  format after signing in with your Adobe ID (which is  easy to create  if you don’t already have one). If you don’t have the software yet, just download a free working trial  for any CS6 product for Windows or Mac – then install, run, and start your training… Here’s how the

Adobe CS6 — What’s New and Upgraded for Each Major Product

以下文章來自「 http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cs6-upgrade-overview-whats-new-each-product.html 」 Last week Adobe launched  Creative Suite 6  and we took a high-level look at  how CS6 is different from CS5.5  – and so now here we’ll step through the significant new features at an individual product level, product-by-product… The upgraded applications and their key new functionalities are detailed below. If you’re coming from further back and would like to know the differences between older versions – like an upgrade from Adobe CS5.0 to CS6, from CS4 to CS6, or from CS3 to CS6 – the last section will also help. Major Changes to the Creative Suite Products What’s New in Photoshop CS6? What’s New in Illustrator CS6? What’s New in InDesign CS6? What’s New in Dreamweaver CS6? What’s New in Fireworks CS6? What’s New in Flash Professional CS6? What’s New in Premiere Pro CS6? What’s New in After Effects CS6? What’s New in Audition CS6? What’s New in Encore CS6? What’s New in Pre

New Adobe CS6 Tutorials 新的官方CS6線上影音教學與CS6中文手冊– 18 Hours of Free Online Video Training

以前Adobe在軟體銷售時都會附上紙本的使用手冊,後來為了節能省碳,改為提供PDF檔案下載,這幾年又改為網頁形態可以方便更新內容,如果你想尋找每個Creative Suite軟體的使用說明,請參考下列網頁。 繁體中文 Photoshop-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/photoshop/cs/using/index.html Illustrator-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/illustrator/cs/using/index.html InDesign-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/indesign/cs/using/index.html Dreamweaver-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/dreamweaver/cs/using/index.html Flash-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/flash/cs/using/index.html Fireworks-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/fireworks/cs/using/index.html Media Encoder-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/mediaencoder/cs/using/index.html InCopy-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/incopy/cs/using/index.html CS相關軟體 (Bridge, CS Reivew)-  http://help.adobe.com/zh_TW/creativesuite/cs/using/index.html 英文 Premiere Pro-  http://help.adobe.com/en_US/premierepro/cs/using/index.html After Effects-  http://help.adobe.com/en_US/aftereffects/cs/using/index.html Audition-  http://help.adobe.com/en_US/audition/cs/using/index.html Encore

修女的願望, 懇請幫助(花蓮縣秀林鄉安德幼稚園)

親愛的朋友們, 園長胡修女非常感謝善心人士將此訊息公開出來, 他們幼稚園共有近130位小朋友(兩歲半至六歲共65人,小學課輔班一至六年級共60多人); 目前善心人士捐助的米已夠這學期用,因此米的部份已無急迫需求。 助人為快樂之本,願意幫忙的愛心人士們,胡修女說出以下的迫切性需要,非常感謝您。 小朋友們每天都需要吃乾糧,所以饅頭、餅乾、可沖泡的糙米麩等點心需求大。 影印紙用的量很大,因要影印給小朋友們寫功課用。 季節即將更換,二手衣則以春季和夏季的為主要需求。 非常感謝您的愛心,願您與您所愛的人得享上天的加持和恩典! 尚有其它需要,請參見下方資料。 成立已經三十多年的花蓮縣秀林鄉的天主教安德幼稚園,在這裡就讀的小朋友幾乎都是來自中低收入戶,但這七八年來,因為部落經濟每況愈下,每次開學幾乎有三分之二的家長繳不出學費,但園長胡修女,她還是照常收學生。因為如果不這麼做,這些部落學齡前的小朋友,會因為家庭貧困,而失去受教育的權利。安德幼稚園的設備相當老舊,就連最基本的教材,收納櫃,遊樂器材都有十多年的歷史,為了減低開支,園長修女從不支薪,就連老師們幾乎只領半薪,但讓人更感動的是,他們還是堅持用最好的教學方式教育孩子。去年有平面媒體報導安德幼稚園的故事,有善心人士捐款,但也無法彌補這幾年來的虧損,修女和老師們總是擔心,接下來如果幼稚園真的無法經營,這些孩子的未來該怎麼辦?不論是出身 多麼貧困的孩子,都有受教育的權利,他們需要很多的資源,甚至是希望有企業能長期認養,如果你想協助安德幼稚園,他們也許因為您的一通電話,就能改變這所幼稚園所有孩子的命運。 花蓮縣秀林鄉安德幼稚園 地址:花蓮縣秀林鄉景美村7鄰加灣131號 電話:038-260300 藉您溫柔的手、慈善的心,請傳給您認識的朋友們, 他們就多一個機會,感謝您! 煩請將這消息公布。感謝大家!