
目前顯示的是 2010的文章

PhotoShop Star 值得大力推薦的PhotoShop教學網站

PhotoShop Star 有完整豐的教學文章,分門別類整理得很詳細,包括了:Effect(特效類)、Graphic Design(圖形設計)、Photo Effects(影像特效)、PhotoShop Basic(PhotoShop基礎)、Text Effects(文字特效)、Web Graphics(網頁圖像)

CSS Layout 網頁常見版型設計

以下文章中列出常見的 CSS 版型設計,蠻實用的喔!給大家參考看看! http://www.maxdesign.com.au/articles/css-layouts/ 註:一般而言,IE8、Chrome、Firefox 所看到的版面是比較一致的,但是如果是 IE6 或是更早期的 IE5,就有可能會有不同,因此可以在網頁的 標籤中,針對舊版本指定參考的 CSS 檔案,語法如下: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSS layouts Date: 1 November 2002 Author:  Russ Weakley CSS, JavaScript and Accessibility Workshop series 2010 Three of Australia’s leading web experts, Kevin Yank, Roger Hudson and Russ Weakley in hands-on workshops designed to give you the most up-to-date knowledge and skills in CSS, JavaScript and Accessibility.  Find out more Here are a range of free CSS page layouts, including 1, 2 and 3 column layouts – free to use and abuse as needed. Sample CSS layouts One column fixed width layout One column liquid layout Two column fixed width layout Two column fixed width (with spread) layout Two column liquid layout Three column fixed width layout Three column...

PSD Vault 很不錯的PhotoShop教學文章與資源下載網站


Lipstick Illustration 使用 Photoshop 製作口紅

以下文章來自 http://www.webdesign.org/photoshop/drawing-techniques/lipstick-illustration.18065.html Creating Our Document/Background Create a new document (Ctrl+N) size 800 x 1000 px, double-click on the background to unlock it and make it editable. Now apply a gradient overlay using the settings below.

CSS Large Background 如何用CSS設計大的底圖

使用CSS方式設計網頁已經是目前的主流趨勢,以下文章對於如何用CSS來設計美工版面有很好的幫助,值得參考一下喔!(文章最下面還有提供相關的範例檔案下載與線上demo連結) http://www.webdesign.org/html-and-css/tutorials/css-large-background.16479.html Common Mistake: Background Gets Cropped (see demo ) Take a look at the demo file, it looks fine under 1280px. But if you have a high resolution display, you will see the background gets cut off on the sides.

Underwater Sunset 水面下陽光穿透效果

以下文章出自: http://www.webdesign.org/photoshop/drawing-techniques/underwater-sunset.14281.html Underwater Sunset Author: TutorialSite.Org More by this author Added: Mar 08, 2010 Rating: Level: Experienced Software: Here's a detailed look to help simulate underwater scenes. I first began with a 500x500 size document preset, set the foreground color to a shade of blue (I used #1680D1) and the background color to a dark blue (I used#0C1B6C). Create a new empty Layer (Shift + Ctrl + N (Mac: Shift + Command + N), just above the default document background Layer. Activate that new empty Layer by selecting it in the Layers Palette. Next, select the 'Gradient Tool (G)' on the Toolbar. Then notice up on the Options Bar for that particular tool, the new options that are available, particularly, the 'Gradient Preset Picker'. Select the 'Gradient Preset Picker' to define the gradient to use for this effect. I will use the 'Foreground to Background' pres...


這裏提供非常豐富的 PhotoShop 設計資源,包括:筆刷 Brushes、形狀 Shapes、PSD 原始檔、材質與背景 Textures / Backgrounds,以及教學文章,建議大家有空上去看看喔! 網址: http://dezignus.com/

Ladyoka 免費PhotoShop 教學與筆刷、圖樣、紋理下載


Photoshoproadmap PhotoShop 教學資源與筆刷、圖層樣式下載


hawksmont Universe PhotoShop筆刷資源

網址: http://hawksmont.com/blog/category/graphic_design/resources/brushes/

Six Revisions 設計教學資源網站

網址: http://sixrevisions.com/


教學網址: http://designinstruct.com/web-design/how-to-make-a-vibrant-portfolio-web-design-in-photoshop/ How to Make a Vibrant Portfolio Web Design in Photoshop JAN 26 2010 9 COMMENTS BY  IONUT CIURSA In this web design tutorial, we will create a beautiful and colorful portfolio layout using Photoshop. I’ll show you many techniques for creating different things like bended paper corners, dashed lines, image carousels, 3D bars, and more! I’ll walk you through each step in exact detail so you won’t be left guessing how to do a certain technique. We will use the 960 Grid System to create this layout (which I’ll cover at the start).


The 50 Best Adobe Illustrator Tutorials from 2009 Published December 28th, 2009 in  DESIGN Since the year is winding down, we thought it would be helpful to go back and pick out the best Illustrator tutorials that were published in 2009. The year was full of great tutorials, and 50 of the best are featured here. For more Illustrator tutorials please see:


Best Photoshop Website Layout Tutorials of 2009 Published December 30th, 2009 in  DESIGN As a final post for 2009, let’s take a look back at the best tutorials for creating website layouts in Photoshop. There were a number of great tutorials of this kind throughout the year, many more than in years past, making it a great year for anyone who wants to improve their design skills. Here is a look at 25 of the best.